January 13, 2010

Back to School...

January 12th (yesterday) I took that long journey back to Buffalo to begin classes for another semester.  The line up this 15 week stretch is looking a little better than the last.  Work wise it appears to be a little more challenging, however, considering content this semester should be interesting.  I'm taking:  Public libraries, Intellectual Freedom, Services for Children and Management of Library and Informational agencies.

I made a New Year's resolution to keep up on this blog (even though I do not have any readers) to improve upon my blogging skills (or get some blogging skills).  So, I guess we'll se how this goes.


January 10, 2010


Okay, four weeks on break and not a single blog post. Recap of the entire fall semester in 500 words or less. GO!

Introduction to Library and Information Science (LIS 505). Overall a wonderful class. There was a little talk on censorship, intellectual freedom, some mention of what can be done with a degree in LIS, and a lot of PDF articles (a few too many if you ask me). Professor was great, I'm taking another class with her this coming semester, Intellectual Freedom.

Introduction to Information Technology (LIS 506). This one didn't go so well. Professor was hard to understand. Work with HTML, XML, Dreamweaver, and a plethora of other complicated computer things was quick accompanied by poor direction. This one would have been better if it was splint into two sections taken over two semesters. The work would have been easier, slower, and hopefully better explained.

Reference Services (LIS 518). I took this one online and I didn't learn anything. The professor had three beyond simple projects that took me a combined time of 4 hours to do (that's 4 hours for all projects combined) and I got an A-. The "-" was mainly because I didn't take the time to participate in discussion boards. But don't judge me, because if you had to write an interesting and original post that brought better understanding to the class about the meaning of your name (that's right I had to look up the meaning of my name and then talk about it) after 77 other students had already done so you wouldn't have done it either. Overall, lame class and a waste of money. I am going to read the book (that she assigned readings out of but told us not to buy) this semester and probably learn a whole lot more.

Cataloging (LIS 571). Made me want to be a cataloger...or at least a freelance cataloger. This one was interesting, slow paced, and easily laid out. Cataloging is an involved subject, however, the professor did a wonderful job of explaining MARC records, classification systems, and a bunch of other cataloging things. The book was pretty good too!

That's it. I'll try to keep up to date on blogging about the classes as they are happening so I'll remember exactly what is going on. Hope this post finds you well. As always...May The Library Be With You!

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This is a personal blog that in no way affiliated with any specific library or town. All views and opinions are written on personal time and have no basis in the confines of any establishment. Thank you.